
As a kid, I ate the ‘tree tops’ off the broccoli and my older brother ate the stems. In the late 80s, we were quite possibly the only kids at the lunch table with raw broccoli, which were certainly not an acceptable swap for other kid’s chips. But never fail, we always had a homemade dessert in that lunch box too. Now that’s what I call balanced eating!

On a college tour of Miami University, I stumbled across a brochure on the major Dietetics. A combination of nutrition and sports science classes? This sounded pretty close to perfect. After four blissful years in the bubble that is Miami U, I strongly felt a Masters of Science in Nutrition was paramount to my success and further understanding of nutrition. I moved back north and completed my MS at Case Western Reserve University while completing my dietetic internship and becoming a registered dietitian.

The start of my running story...

As my career as a dietitian began, I had a decent balance of work and fun but something was still missing. Competition. I grew up playing field hockey and lacrosse, saying I’d only run ‘if I was chasing a ball.’ But, I missed that feeling of pushing the limits of my body and the blissful endorphins that followed. Endorphin junkie, I am. Cue my love affair with running. I signed up for the Cleveland Marathon in 2009, as my first road race ever, and plowed my way through training without the best support and making numerous training & nutrition mistakes along the way. I crossed that finish line in 3:58. Shocked. Stunned. And in awe of what just happened, but I was hooked.

Over the years, running has always had a purpose. Although, that purpose looked different – it was always there. I got back into training more intentionally after my kids were born and fell in love with it all over again. My first marathon back postpartum was the Columbus Marathon in 2018 running a 3:03 and the ‘must break 3 hour’ itch hit me hard. At the 2019 Indy Monumental Marathon, I ran a 2:57 marathon and crossed that finish line with a bigger smile than I ever thought possible!

I credit these running accomplishments to tenacity, smart training, and intentional nutrition. Through trial and error, I know how important nutrition is for running success. I’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way – and hope to help you not make the same nutrition mistakes and find what fuels your life and your running the best.

Where we're at today

For the last 13 years, I have been working to help clients find their happy place with nutrition, exercise, body composition, and life. For the last 6 years, I have been a Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD), aka a Sports Dietitian, helping runners and endurance athletes fuel their biggest, baddest goals. I specialize in sports performance nutrition and have a heavy background in clinical nutrition to help athletes also manage their medical conditions and/or understand their own health history and lab work. 

I help my athletes find their own balance between nutrition, life, and fitness goals. No two stories are the same. Therefore, no two nutrition plans are the same. Each athlete is a unique individual who needs a specialized plan, tailored to them, to succeed. My passion is helping people find this balance, use nutrition as a supportive piece of training, and take the guesswork out of ‘what do I eat and when?!’ Nutrition is very often the ‘missing piece’ in our training. Are you ready to take that next step to optimize your nutrition for your goals? Let’s get started!

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