Once you complete your order, you can find the link to your download in your order confirmation/email receipt from Featherstone Nutrition. In your email, click on the file under “Download”.
Race Nutrition Planning Guide

If you are feeling overwhelmed trying to figure out your nutrition & hydration plan for your race, you are not alone. There’s a lot to figure out, and we’re here to help.
With our Race Nutrition Planning Guide, you will be on your way to feeling confident and ready for race day.
With your download, you will receive a 14-page PDF with all the tools you need to help you create your plan. Included in this planning guide are resources and tips for carb loading, hyperhydration, pre-race fuel, and during race nutrition & hydration. You will also receive templates to help with your planning.
Information found on our downloads is protected by copyright law. These materials are for use by purchaser and should not be shared, distributed or sold for any other purposes.