Smoothies are an easy way to consume the nutrition we need. For healthy eating, we can incorporate smoothies into virtually any meal or snack and alter our ingredients based on our needs. Need you need some extra fruit, veggies or protein? Simply gather ingredients & blend away!

For athletes, there are several ways that we can enhance our performance pre-run through nutrition. Carbohydrates are essential to provide quick fuel for your body to use for energy during your run (you can read more on WHY we need pre-run carbs in our previous post here). Caffeine has been shown to decrease perceived effect, decrease pain, and improve mental toughness (read more on the benefits of caffeine for performance here).

Our Pick Me Up Smoothie made Vitamin Water Tropical Citrus Energy provides carbs, caffeine and also adds B12. This combination will provide adequate fuel with an extra boost of energy. Give it a try to fuel it up before your run or as part of a meal or snack!

Pick Me Up Smoothie

  • 1 bottle Tropical Citrus Energy Vitamin Water
  • 1 cup frozen tropical fruit
  • 1 small banana
  1. Instructions: Blend together & enjoy immediately!


Athletes: Make this for your pre-run fuel & drink 0-60 minutes before your run.

Healthy Eating: Providing carbs (including a serving of fruit), this smoothie can work as part of a healthy snack (ex. paired with a handful of almonds) or as part of a meal (ex. turkey sandwich + smoothie).